Thursday, April 8, 2021


 Thank you to all of you fine Gentle Readers who sent us congratulation messages yesterday on our Golden Anniversary.

And to questions and hopes that we celebrated properly, I show you this.

Judy's expertly-prepared Martini on the Rocks in a frosted glass.

Martinis are rare around here so when she calls for one (and makes it herself) you can be assured it's a special occasion.

As for dining, we supped on our delayed Easter Dinner.

That and a dessert of Tiramisu capped off a perfect day for two geezers who shun large gatherings and prefer each other's company.

Happy Days!


  1. Happy anniversary! That IS a fancy martini, worthy of a professional bartender -- at least based on appearance. :)

  2. Congratulations on your Golden for both of us IN Golden

    Tim and the Beaner

  3. That looks like a wonderful and festive occasion with a delicious meal. In my case, the drink would have been an amber ale. :)

  4. Congratulations and keep on enjoying your Golden Years

  5. Great to celebrate! Glad you did!

  6. Looks like the perfect celebration to me!

  7. That martini looks good, but might require a second just to be sure.

  8. Geezers who shun large gatherings and prefer each other's company...Roger and I could be best friends with you two!
    Looks you had a lovely Golden Anniversary celebration. Wonderful.

    1. I used to be more social but have settled nicely into hermitting with her nibs. I think age does that to you.

  9. your meal looks wonderful and i am wondering if you cooked it in an air fryer or roaster, it kind of looks that way. i just bought a new 7 function ninja toaster slash everything. looking for EASY recipes

    1. No, it was done the old fashioned way - in the oven and the snap peas atop the stove. We have a Cuisinart Air Fryer Toaster Oven that sounds like yours. But mostly we make toast in it. I keep threatening to use it for other stuff though.

  10. That sounds perfect. I have a good friend who would love to try one of those martinis. She's always looking for a perfect one.
