Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 I said last evening that today was going to be a big day for us and I promised to tell you about it.

So here it is.

Today marks the one month anniversary of our second shots of the Moderna vaccine.

And as indicated by the errands and running around and haircut by yours truly yesterday our lives are beginning, slowly, to return to normal.

Oh I was careful.

I put on my mask whenever I had to deal with anyone face to face.

Except for when a young lady, masked in glittery blue, clipped my hair.

So today is a day of celebration for us.

Oh, and there's one other thing.

On April 7th, 1971, Judy and I were married in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Apparently it was a sure bet because the event came just 89 days after we first met.

I've been counting down the days for the past months and the pandemic has made that a bit of an uneasy process.

But as I said to her this morning, "We made it!"

Now, for the next fifty years . . .


  1. Congratulations..2 more years and Cakes and I will hit half that number

  2. And now you can go out to celebrate! Wheeee!

  3. Glad to hear you're both vaccinated. I'd still recommend precautions when outside, masks, hand washing, keeping your distance from the sans culottes, etc. The vaccine is 95% effective, that leaves 5%. Congratulations on the length and strength of your marriage. Best to you both.

    1. I had not heard of the "sans culottes" before so thanks for educating me. Yes, we're staying careful.

    2. Originated in the French Revolution I believe. Not sure.

  4. Happy Vaccination Day! Oh, and that other event as well. ;) 50 years, wow! My parents made it 66, I made it to nearly 28. I'm getting back to normal too with new hair and an oil change in my car. An eye appointment too. The level of excitement in my life is astounding.

  5. Congratulations on 50 years of marriage! How wonderful to be celebrating that and the new freedoms after being fully vaccinated. Enjoy your anniversary!

  6. Congratulations on the 50th Anniversary and the 1 month of Vaccine and on your nice haircut.. and YA HOOOOOO on Freedom of a Sort, better than what we had before the vaccine. today we went back to the YMCA pool after 1 year and a few weeks, we wore masks, but not in the pool 😁😁😁

  7. Congrats to the two of you! No wonder you went for the haircut!
    The barbers and hairdressers have been closed here since November so there are a lot of hairy people around!

    1. Yup, gotta clean up at least once a year!🐯

  8. Happy anniversary. Hard to believe how quickly these 50 years have gone by. We hope to get over your way before the unreasonably hot season begins. Will celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, and our friendship for lo these many years! Slainte’

  9. Congrats! Doing the vaccinated dance for you, and the happy married dance right after that.

  10. 50 years after only 89 days. Wow! Congratulations. I guess when you know you know.

    1. Sometimes it takes awhile to know you made the right decision.

  11. Dear Judy and Bruce, congratulations. As a couple who got married one spring ahead of you (51 years), Norma and I have had that (spoken or implied) conversation:

    She: "Would you do it again?"
    Me: "What, marry you and go through all that for ANOTHER 50 years?"
    She: "Uh Huh."
    Me: But I'd be over 120 years old!
    She: "So?"
    Me, (after an instant of manly thought): "HOLD MY BEER!"

  12. 50 Wow! Congratulations. I'm at 45, but in blocks of three.

    1. I'd hate to tell you how many mistakes preceded that 50. For both of us.

  13. Plenty to celebrate at your house and all of it worth the price of a haircut! Congratulations!

  14. Congratulations. Happy anniversary.

  15. Congratulations! You give me hope that Dr. M & I will make it that long (only 20 more years to go!)

  16. Well, a great big congratulations to you! What good news. I hope you celebrated properly.

    1. Thank you. We celebrated properly though quietly, at home.
