Thursday, September 9, 2021


 Matty came rushing in the moment I opened the garage door this morning but I'll spare you another photo of him napping on the couch.

Instead I'll tempt your taste buds with a photo I found on my phone yesterday that I'd forgotten about

As you may recall, I prepare pizza most Friday evenings but not the way true pizza cooks do it.

Mine starts with a frozen pizza from the grocery store and is then "doctored" with more pepperoni, a mixture of diced mini-peppers, some mozzarella, sometimes some cherry tomatoes or red onion, and some basil and Parmesan cheese tossed on at the pre-slicing moment.

As I was beginning this post I was thrown back to the 1950's when pizza finally had made it's way to the cultural backwash where I grew up.

We college-age kids used to have what were called "pizza parties" where the pies would be created, baked and devoured while we listened to Duke Ellington and Dave Brubeck records.

We felt soooooo sophisticated!

I realize now that that was typical of many college sophomores of the era, full of "great wisdom" imparted by our reading Jack Kerouac, J.D. Salinger and dipping into some Kafka.

I remember reading "Metamorphosis" aloud to a friend as he drove us somewhere on a North Dakota highway.

That was long ago now in an increasingly fuzzier memory.

But I still love my Friday Night Pizza.

Have a slice!


  1. Yum! And the fresh basil makes all the difference! From your burgeoning garden?

  2. I would love to have a slice. That looks delicious. You remind me that I need to buy a simple frozen pizza and doctor it up. Yum!

  3. We usually do pizza on Saturday nights. I must try putting some fresh basil on just before slicing! Yours looks delicious.

  4. That looks AMAZING! I ate cheetos for lunch so I could devour this whole pizza right now!

    P.S. Love me some Dave Brubeck.

  5. Thanks, but I'm spoiled on Jersey pizza baked fresh by Mario, or Vito. Best ever!

    Of course everyone thinks their local pizza is the best ever.

  6. Yummy! Mind you, regular shots of Matty making himself at home can never get tiresome.

  7. I love pizza, especially ones that are doctored to my liking. More cheese! More veggies! Lots of variety! That looks yummy.

  8. I would take TWO slices, but you'd have to pick off the pepperoni for me.

  9. Wow, you make a frozen pizza look like something very special.

  10. I doctor my pizza too, but you're more like a specialist!
