Friday, December 3, 2021


 Reflecting on the state of the world this morning, I couldn't help but be reminded of a song from the 1950's: The Merry Minuet, as performed by the Kingston Trio.

You could Google it, if you're so inclined.

In the meantime, it is the end of the week and my job is to bring you this:

So we prepare once again for the furor that comes with holiday shopping but I caution you: take it easy, relax and try to have yourself a wonderful weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .



  1. The "beautiful moon" is hilarious!

  2. I have always been fond of Yul Brynner even when he played a bad guy. So I like those yuletide greetings. The full moon made me laugh and Domino is adorable.

  3. "You got this." How many imbeciles would actually try it? Answer: too many. I saw Yul Brenner in "The King and I" in Seattle many years ago. His performance was mesmerizing.

  4. Roger and I had some good laughs reading these this morning. We needed the laughs. Thank you for that.

  5. All of these are hilarious, but that Burger King moon one made me laugh out loud (quietly since I'm at work).

  6. These were so good and some were a stretch for me. Bald Tide Joy ??? Thank you Sharon for solving the mystery and The Clown had me going. My favorite seasonal one was the great midnight spread for some lucky Santa!

  7. I am joke challenged I'm sure. I didn't get the first 2. Bald+Tide+Joy ?????? Reading the comments I got that. Did figure out the clown finally.

    Really loved the fabulous spread some lucky Santa will be enjoying at midnight!

  8. Some real winners - the moon, the Minions and Domino gave me a real laugh! Thanks!

  9. Really great group this week! You could probably hear me laughing all the way from over here at 101 damnations!!

  10. Oh, Oh, Domino! Van Morrison. I'm sure you won't have to Google it.

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