Monday, March 21, 2022


 Today is the second day of Spring, in the year 2022.

But the temperature here in the Central Highlands of Arizona is running in the 50's and it's accompanied today by a sharp breeze which puts a bit of an edge on The New Season.

Not only that, look what appeared since yesterday on the Bradshaws, just south of town.

Yes, Gentle Readers, those white spots are fresh snow!

But never fear.

The flowering fruit trees here in the more civilized city are taking their cues from the calendar, not the Weather Gods.

So Spring actually has made it's entrance and it's going to make itself even more apparent as this week moves on.

By next weekend, the mercury is predicted to have warmed into the 70's here and, Arizona Haters, into the 90's already down in the Big Valley of Phoenix.

And it's still March.


  1. Fresh snow in the hills plus flowering trees and temps in the 50s. Are you in WA? I love 70s. Not 90s though.

  2. The trees are gorgeous.
    We saw a lot of snow capped peaks as we drove back from Palm Springs.

  3. I love spring, but all the blossoms have me miserable with hayfever. I spend a lot of time admiring them from the safety of inside.

  4. Beautiful tree! Like a cloud come to Earth.

  5. Love seeing spring blooming there.
