Monday, November 21, 2022


I have often seen, as I'm sure you have, a grouping of birds on a power line or a telephone cord (hmm, I wonder if those still exist.)

I have wondered why they don't get electrocuted.

But I guess they know something we mortal humans don't.

So they cluster together, chatting (one suspects) about the news of the day.

I spotted this group yesterday down at one end of my street.

I've spotted them before, or a similar group, but always in this same spot.

Maybe it's the highest pole in the neighborhood which gives them a good vantage point.

Or maybe they're just slackers.

Just idling the hours and days away.

At any rate, they gave me the opportunity to play this video of the late Leonard Cohen performing "Bird on the Wire".



  1. We have a pole just outside the bottom of our garden where ten telephone wires go to various is where many pairs of birds do their canoodling!

  2. I always think of that song when I see the birds hanging out like that. They do seem to have their favourite gathering spots.

  3. Birds don't have a ground wire, but occasionally one get's zapped by touching a wire that is grounded.

  4. I don't get it either but seeing a bunch of birds on a wire always reminds me of the Hitchcock film. Gives me the creeps if any of them start flying around.

  5. I came to say the same thing as Should Fish More.

    A hunter came upon an entire herd of deer lying dead. A storm brought a tree down on an electric wire. They were all electrocuted.

  6. I have often wondered the same thing when I see the birds lined up on the wire. How do they do that? I just read some of the answers on a google search, and it still doesn't make any sense. Perfect song!

  7. Don't they call that a segue? One minute you're talking about birds on a wire and next minute you have moved on to the songs of Leonard Cohen. Anyway, I liked the connection.

  8. Replies
    1. Actually I think that was the next cut on the reel!

  9. I've heard bits of that song, by a different singer, it's the theme song I think to a movie called Bird on a Wire starring Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn.

  10. That was a lovely little break.
