Saturday, November 5, 2022


 There are sure signs today that it is mid-Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere.

One of the big trees in our new front yard has changed from its green leaves to a blaze of red.

It's neighbor, on the other hand has remained green.

The two colors are a fine match for a beautiful blue sky.

Remember all of that snow the Weather Gods had predicted for us the other day?

I saw one or two lone flakes drifting in the sky before they gave up the ghost.

As a doctor I visited commented, "Those weather forecasters are never right. Maybe they should try a different line of work."

The other sign that Fall is upon us with Winter not far ahead?

Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Here in most of Arizona, it never began.


  1. You are smart in AZ. I wish we could give up DST completely. It's dumb! Love the red tree. Most of our leaves are down now thanks to a nasty windstorm.

  2. I think of Arizona as a state that dodges winter, maintaining pleasant temperatures from October to March before the summer heat creeps in. Isn't that why you left North Dakota?

    1. Down in the desert, you're quite right. But I live in the foothills, surrounded by low mountains, at about 5,000 feet elevation and we get four season weather and sometimes blizzards in the winter. And I left North Dakota for a better job in Indiana before coming to Arizona.

  3. Why does Daylight Time wait until 2AM to materialize? Why doesn't it just show up and be job ready at Midnight--the beginning of a new day 24 hours. Does Daylight Time like to sleep in a couple of hours before going to work?

    1. Since we sensible Arizonans don't observe Daylight Savings Time, I can not answer any of your questions.

  4. It is 21˚C here in Toronto as I type this. No snow to come for a while. I am looking forward to the time change but hate how it gets dark so early in the afternoon.

  5. You're lucky to avoid DST. 😊

  6. I wish we were on Standard Time all year. I think it's crazy to mess around with time like this.

  7. I dislike daylight savings times and wish they had never begun in the first place. After a long hot sunny afternoon, the last thing I need is a long hot sunny evening.
