Monday, November 7, 2022


 I made Baked Ziti yesterday.

I found the recipe on the Weird World Wide Web and followed it religiously.

Well, to the letter anyway.

In the Notes section of the recipe it stated that it would be okay to add ground beef to the fixins if one wanted to.

And I did so I added a pound that had been heated on the stovetop until it had lost its color.

Everything went well.

Except . . .

. . . it wasn't bubbling and juicy when it came out of the oven.

And when we dug into it at the dining table it was dry.

Post-eating diagnosis came up with the probable solution.

When I added the pound of ground beef to the recipe I did not add any additional marinara and what was in there apparently was absorbed.

BTW, that photo shows only half of the recipe.

An equivalent portion was put in another pan and frozen for later.

We will have to add some sauce to it before we bake it, I think.

Oh, and it was quite delicious, even though it was a tad dry.



  1. It's a good thing I don't live near you - you'd get tired of me randomly stopping by to eat food.

  2. It looks really good to me. All your culinary efforts look tasty.

  3. Love ziti and there are so many ways to customize a dish like that. Here's to More Marinara! And lots of cheese.

  4. Far better than if I tried cooking it.

  5. Well it certainly looks good enough to eat. I was not familiar with the term "Ziti" so I looked it up. I am sure that I have made pasta dishes like that before. You live and learn.

  6. I had to google Ziti because I've heard the name but didn't know what it actually is. So I learned something. It looks delicious.

  7. Sounds like you had better luck than me with my premade meatballls. They were not so good.

  8. I know I'm leaving comments here, I must be in spam jail again.
