Sunday, January 15, 2023


 SWMBO is proud of her ability to peel a Mandarin in one piece and she's taught me how to do it.

But today she got into a bag of apples and had to show me the results of her artistry.

That's one single peel for each of two apples!

(you may applaud)

But she doesn't do everything from scratch like her pioneer ancestors.

Ah, the miracles one can perform with frozen puff pastry sheets from the supermarket!

A short time later, the product of her toil emerged from the oven, filling the house with a delicious aroma.

Once they had cooled they got a garnishing topping of some (canned) frosting.

And voila!

Fresh, home-baked Apple Turnovers!

It's a good Sunday.


  1. Well I'm impressed! Though I would have a tendency to just buy them. I think you are in the kitchen more than I am!

  2. Yum! One of my very favorite things!

  3. You two bake the most delicious looking desserts.

  4. There was years ago on Top Chef and they had to peel all the way, with a knife. Great fun to watch. The simple tasks that they couldn't do so well.

  5. Those look wonderful. I'm not sure if I could pull off the apple filling as well as SWMBO but it is tempting to try it.

  6. That may be an act you could take on the road!

  7. She is amazing! I would cut off a finger trying to do that. (or more than one) Those apple turnovers look yummy!!

  8. Real apple filling is the best!!

  9. I used to love apple turnovers! These days they just aren't the same, thick puff pastry, with maybe a teaspoonful of apple, then a mountain of whipped cream. No no no. Maybe I should try making my own one day.

  10. Skills! I can peel an orange that way -- one of the benefits of growing up in Florida.

  11. And...if you peel your apple all in one piece, you should take that peel and toss it over your shoulder. You turn around and it is supposed to be the first letter of the person that you will marry!

  12. That peeling job is pretty amazing. I'm impressed.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. So that is how one should pass one's time during one's retirement - peeking vegetables and fruit - to see if we can do it in one long piece! Is it an Olympic event?

    1. It's okay. I know you meant "peeling". And in the culinary sweepstakes perhaps she could make it to The Great British Baking Show!

    2. Yes - "peeling" not "peeking". Maybe I should have been "peeking" at the keyboard as I typed. It would indeed be nice to see SWMBO on that show. I could teach her to speak in a Yorkshire accent - with your permission of course.
