Monday, May 1, 2023


 Recently I shared some news and humor from an old pal of mine, newspaper columnist and book author Sam Lowe, who had become (I say in amazement) 90 years old.

I haven't heard about his birthday party but I doubt it could have topped another one this past weekend.

Ol' Willy Nelson became 90 the other day and he celebrated with two nights of star-studded music at the Hollywood Bowl.

He planned the entire affair and invited all the performers, from young Billy Strings to his old pal, 86 year old Kris Kristofferson.

The second night's music was capped by the appearance of Keith Richards, who sang a couple of songs with Willy and paid tribute to the birthday boy.

But, believe it or not, I have ANOTHER nonagenarian friend, who I've known for over half a century.

Not quite half her life.

My dear friend, Diane Kalas, is turning 91 in less than three weeks.

This was how she looked back when she was a new t.v. star in Phoenix.

She's still going strong, too, with a daily schedule that would exhaust a much younger person.

If you happen to be in reach of a television set that picks up Channel 12 in Phoenix, Arizona, Diane's life is going to be featured in a report by Tram Mai on the 10 o'clock news tonight.

All I can say is that it's one helluva May Day!

Let's hear a round of applause for all of them.


  1. Replies
    1. I used to say you're only as young as those you feel. But I was younger and more foolish then.

  2. We have two neighbors 90 and 91, still going pretty strong, living on their own, and loving it. Mim lived through the Nazi takeover of her native Holland. Carole experienced the depression, WWII. etc. I encourage the two of them to tell us their stories...we cherish their friendship.

    1. It is important to record those stories before they're lost.

  3. As a child we celebrated May Day with baskets of flowers that hung on a doorknob distributed throughout the neighborhood. We would ring the bell and run. We also had a maypole with long colored ribbons that we wove around the pole through a complicated dance.

  4. Thanks for the tip about Diane on 12 tonight, I’ll be sure and watch and congratulations to all who are still living young.

    1. You're welcome and yes, that's a great thought.

  5. CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-CLAP! Ouch - my palms are hurting!
    Given the excesses of his youth, it is truly amazing that Willie Nelson has made it to ninety. That's something for you and Judy to aim for Bruce!

  6. I wish I had been at the Hollywood Bowl for the weekend. I've always loved Willy & his music. My aunt is 91and lives in her own apartment and still has all her wits about her.

    1. I saw that tickets were going for $1,300 late.

  7. thecontemplativecat here. I cannot believe "how people my age look so old", I am 70. That was from a tee shirt I had. William Shatner, Patrick Steward are both heading upward. Clint Eastwood is 91, I think. Neil Diamond is 82....what is going on here??

    1. We're all living better. Or at least, longer.

  8. My mom will (hopefully) be 91 at the end of May. One of my younger brothers would be 62 on the 10th. My oldest grandson will be 3 on the 20th. A busy birthday month!

    1. Yes, April and May are busy. Which would mean the previous July and August were . . .

  9. Yes, congratulations!
    ---Cheerful Monk

  10. It is cheering to hear about people trundling on at ninety. I am going to turn 66. I was heard someone refer to an offspring as 'old' and it shocked me to my very core.

  11. Wow, three nonagenerians, and still going strong.

  12. Our musical heroes....that would have been some music there!!

  13. Mike's dad is turning 91 at the end of the month - a fact that never ceases to amaze him.

  14. My TV won't reach that far, but I don't mind missing the show. 90 is quite a long way ahead for me.

    1. You can see the story here:

  15. That must have been quite a show at the Hollywood Bowl.
