Saturday, April 29, 2023


 Can one have too many cats?


  1. thecontemplativecat here. Good luck, lady. You are under their command..

  2. One CAN have too many cats. In my opinion one is enough. An elderly neighbour has three, since one died. Before that she always had four and if one died she got another, but she is becoming used to having only three now. Another woman, I forget exactly where, was fined and had sixty cats removed from her property after neighbours complained about the smell, she was also an older woman and just couldn't properly care for them all.

  3. A nice supplement to the latest edition of "The Friday Funnies". Tucker Carlson is a most unappealing fellow but I am surprised you didn't like Jerry Springer. I thought he was a good guy who was only playing with those dumb people who were prepared to tell all on TV.

  4. Ha! I have a laptop myself, but a different species. :)
