Friday, May 26, 2023


 Some weeks you get to thinking it's just been too stressful (Judy's pacemaker replacement) or too sad (Tina Turner's death) to find any reason to laugh.

But then there was that thing on Twitter (Musk & DeSantis) the other day that lightens the load.

So Fellow Travelers, let's get on it.

It's Friday!

Y'know I always wondered what life was like up there on Starship Enterprise.

Pretty funny, I guess.

At any rate, this is bringing an end to the week and now the weekend is staring you in the face.

And it's a THREE-DAY weekend!

So brace yourselves to start grilling season.

Have yourselves a great time and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . ahh, good plan . . .)


  1. Well of course the wolves!! What a great batch!

  2. Such clever ones! The wolves, the Uber, the levee--my favs!!

  3. Love the wolves. Every dog owner can relate to that.

  4. These are all so funny. Love those wolves. They were so right about that. LOL.

  5. Poor Thag. Kitty knows a nap is a good thing.

  6. Self Cemetery is in Anacoco, Vernon Parish, Louisiana. It would be difficult nigh impossible to dig a grave if one was already dead.

  7. Thank you Bruce for your blog commitmemt. It truly brightens my day. Dee from ND.

  8. I'm with Kitty, naps are good. My music loving son is going to love the Chevy in the Levy one.

  9. Chevy in the levee, eweber, dismayed - hahaha! On the other hand, it's 66 degrees in my house and outside right now (11:00 on Saturday morning) and I really AM dismayed!

  10. Those wild dogs had an eye on the future. I love the "eweber".
    These are all fun especially that wise kitty.

  11. Didn't get to these until Sunday, but they are still funny and I just enjoyed the weekend all over again....thanks. Ciao. tc Cambria
