Thursday, May 18, 2023


 I haven't done a ThrowBack post for a long time but today's the day, thanks to my friend, Timmer the photographer.

I don't know how long ago these photos were taken, or where, but I do know none of us have looked this way in a long, long time.

Jeanne, aka the Beaner, and I

Jeane, Judy (aka SWMBO), and I

On second thought I think these may have been taken in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Tim and Jeanne came down from Denver and we drove up from Phoenix and we met there for a spring break weekend.

Whenever or wherever, good times with good friends.

Tim and Jeanne are celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary this Saturday.


  1. 45 years! Wow! I remember when he proposed.

    1. I'd be interested to know who you are. He did the proposal in my house in Phoenix on a New Year's Eve, then broke the news to us in the morning.

  2. We are all much changed from those years! Santa Fe is a great place.

  3. These shots look like the 70s to me. The good times.

  4. I don't mean to be rude but why were you wearing a lampshade on your head?

  5. Congratulations to them. I look back on old photos of myself and wonder where the years have gone.
