Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Summer in Arizona is a wealth of weather.

For much of the state, it's been record setting heat.

Phoenix, for example, set a new record of consecutive days where the mercury was over 110 and the nights never got below 90.

And even here in the Central Highlands it's been a long time with high temperatures around 100 degrees.

Our much-vaunted monsoon season with its rainfall has been missing, then on-again, off-again.

But today a cloud apparently parked directly above our roof.

And then it let loose with some very loud claps of thunder.

What followed was intense rain and then hail.

That last photo isn't a grassy lawn.

It's just a green patio carpet with some leaves and a plethora of dime-size hailstones.

SWMBO had retired for a nap with Sweetie-Pie just before the storm hit.

Needless to say she got no sleep today.


  1. At least it cooled off a little!

  2. Send some of that heat to Jersey, been way cooler than normal this year for us.

  3. Wow, that's crazy weather! I would love a good rainstorm right now but no hail please.

  4. heat heat heat heat holy hail! heat heat heat :)

  5. I wouldn't want to walk out in that hail - it would be like being hit with bullets.

  6. My word! That's some serious hail. We have friends visiting their camp a few miles from here. They live in Surprise, AZ, and come up this way every summer to get away from the heat. Which is funny, because I think July and August are just miserable here.
