Monday, August 7, 2023


I just came home from a quick trip to the grocery store to buy cat food.

I told Sweetie Pie that I'd brought home *twenty* cans of her favorite.

She said, "Only twenty?"

Some cats can't be satisfied.


  1. Not only are you SWMBO's slave, you are Sweetie Pie's slave too!
    P.S. I am surprised that you cannot easily access Google's Ngram Viewer. All you have to do is google a word meaning. Let's say "oddball" meaning. The definition is "a strange or eccentric person". Below you will see "More defintions" with an arrow next to it. Click on it and then you will see the basic graph. Click on the graph to get more detail. It seems that "oddball" wasn't in use till the early fifties.

  2. She sounds like my grandpups. Talk about entitled....

  3. Geesh, and you choose to be cat owner, lol that cat face scares me, but you as a true blue cat lovet. It makes you post it lol.

  4. She does have a bit of a cattitude!

  5. SP has the same problem as Mari, Resting B*tch Face. She was actually very happy.

  6. My cat seems to be satisfied enough, I never tell her what I've bought her or how much of it, she's just happy to have me serve it twice a day.

  7. Is there, perhaps, a wee touch of anthropomorphic projection here? :)

  8. Imagine the situation if you ran out!
