Saturday, August 26, 2023


So here's a report on the state of play in Modern Medicine.

Sometimes it feels like the medicos are just playing but then when we are sick or hurt we all want instant gratification.

So, as I reported yesterday, our daughter . . currently known here as the BAD or Beautiful Artistic Daughter . . took a tumble coming out of an appointment and broke a bone in or around the elbow of her left arm.

She points out that she was sober at the time.

I point out that her left arm is her dominant arm.

She is seriously left-handed.

And she's an artist!

But she went to a hospital emergency room and got splinted and taped and her arm looked like this.

Then yesterday she got a new binding and this is the result.

That apparatus looks like it was put on her in Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory!

(She, incidentally, still looks beautiful.)

She's currently waiting to be scheduled for a CT scan, also known as a CAT scan.

(Seems appropriate for a Cat Lady.)

That's to determine what method of treatment will best be used to heal her arm.

Could be surgery.

Could just be keeping that wicked looking brace on and letting it heal by itself.

So, at this point, four days after her accident, she still doesn't know, and she doesn't know when she'll know.

It's a very frustrating ordeal.

But she's a fairly patient lady.

As long as the pain pills hold out.


  1. That is an amazing piece of machinery. Wow.Hopefully no surgery will be needed. Life can change so quickly. I wish her well.

  2. I hope she heals well without surgery, but if you've got a good ortho doc, take their advise.
    Yeah, casts have changed a lot in the past years. If you think that's weird, you should see what we do to your innards when we're in there, mucking about. lol

  3. BAD's pose is itself artistic but what is that thing she is holding in her right hand? I hope she mends quickly and mends well.

    1. I presume it's a laptop computer with which she's taking the photo.

    2. Sure it's not a menu in a Japanese restaurant?

    3. SWMBO told me it's a "tablet".

  4. Tom LightBreezes-thanks for the update. We hope the path of no surgery is the outcome and that she mends quickly.

  5. Oh my! That is so painful. When will you know what comes next ?

  6. I hope they decide she doesn't need surgery and that the break heals fast. That is an artistic pose. 😊

  7. That is a space age contraption. She's a Borg Queen now! Her arm must be too swollen to tell how bad the break is? Awful for her to have to wait on tests to start mending.

  8. And yes, she does look beautiful and more serene than I would feel in the circumstances!

  9. That is a mighty modern looking contraption. Here's hoping she will heal without surgery.

  10. BAD is definitely tough and strong. We look at her face and see strength and beauty. We wish her well in every way. Thank you for keeping us posted.

  11. I have a damn near life long friend who is a retired hospital administrator, he could explain all of this but, you'd get Pissed.

    1. Oh, I know. They're overwhelmed with patients and understaffed. I'm not pissed, just a bit frustrated.

  12. I hate that in-between time when things have to be decided before the next stage happens. I may look and act patient, but inside I'm seething with hurry-the-f-up!

  13. I got a cat scan just this morning, and then she had a nap.

  14. Our lives can change in an instant! I hope she heals up quickly.

  15. That is a wild looking contraption on her arm but it somehow seems Iike a better idea than all that wrapping from before. Here's hoping they discover a quick and easy way to heal it.
