Monday, November 20, 2023


 Good morning, everybody, and welcome to the week all eaters welcome every year.

Yes, it's the beginning of the dining season with a holiday that turkeys dread coming up in just a few days.

Actually I suppose one could say the season begins with all that leftover Halloween candy but I like to believe that Thanksgiving (in the U.S.A.) is the big day.

Here at the Taylor manse, turkey is not on the menu as the resident head chef doesn't care for it.

And there's a reason she's known as SWMBO, or She Who Must Be Obeyed.

But food there will be for the classic day as she has an autumnal beef stew planned.

Being done in a slow cooker, the air will be filled with wonderful aromas for hours to whet the appetite.

I hadn't thought of it 'til just now but I kicked off the week by making our favorite waffles and warming some ham for our breakfast yesterday.

Then I launched into making an Apple Crumble, which turned out pretty darned good, if I must say so myself.

(To be honest, Judy peeled and sliced the apples for me.)

But I can say, with a little whipped topping, it's just as good for breakfast as it was yesterday afternoon.

For those of you who might think that's "gilding the lily", you could substitute some yogurt for that creamy concoction and thereby claim it to be healthy.

But for some of us, there can be no such thing as "too much".


  1. Ha! Love the pumpkin pie. At Costco the man in front of Rick was buying 48 pumpkin pies. The cashier said "That's nothing! A guy yesterday bought 100!"

  2. I like Thanksgiving and turkey. This year is great because my sister will bring the turkey and I will provide the trimmings. Making (and carving) the turkey has always been stressful for me!
    I think my favorite part is the stuffing I make.
    Beef stew in the crockpot sounds yummy and that apple cobbler looks delicious!

  3. An autumnal beef stew sounds yummy! And yeah, that's pretty much MY favorite way to eat pumpkin pie.

  4. I have been cooking all weekend, with family here for aplle butter making and deer hunting. And right now, 2 turkeys are roasting, to be put up in jars. So our house smells like turkey, a little early in the week!

  5. Beef stew sounds good to me. I did a pork tenderloin for our Thanksgiving dinner.

  6. I love turkey but would probably be OK with a different meat. Except ham which I don't care for. I would, however, eat all of that apple crumble which looks like apple crisp, one of my favorite desserts.

  7. Apple Crumble! I can SMELL it! Lovely. incidentally, Halloween candy all gone

  8. That apple crumble sounds like an ideal breakfast. 😊❤️

  9. I am just as glad that our TG is well over. It seems like quite an addition to the busy Christmas season, but I suppose it tends to start the season there. At least to some degree.

  10. Your apple crumble does indeed look heavenly. Why should a master chef have to do mundane jobs like peeling apples? Leave that up to the kitchen skivvies.

  11. Apple crumble for breakfast? I'll have to try that some day. I haven't made a crumble in years, I just eat the apples.

  12. I'm not one for a turkey dinner either. But there's a place here that has holiday poutine until new years. Poutine topped with turkey bites, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. I liked it.
