Tuesday, November 14, 2023



And a less-cropped version.

I remember a while back a neighbor of ours standing at the edge of his roof with a long pole and some kind of chopper device at the end of it, lopping branches off that "tree" in the lower left of the above photo.

I remember thinking, "that crazy fool is going to fall off that roof!"

But he didn't, just leaving the scars of his work on that growth.

Speaking of which, you might be pleased to hear that Judy is progressing fairly well, though she may not think so.

But she said yesterday she was able to put some weight on the leg in which she had a knee replacement surgery one week before.

And do it without pain!

Then she went for her first PT session, had a rough night last night and is taking it much easier today.

But she's moving better and, take it from me, progress is definitely being made.

As a reward, I'm baking a loaf of her favorite whole wheat bread with dried cranberry pieces embedded in it.

Well actually the bread machine is doing most of the work.

But I got it started!


  1. tc Cambria--glad to hear Judy is making progress and without pain...best to you both.

  2. I'm glad she's starting the recovery period. Please give her our best wishes.

  3. Excellent news about Judy! The bread sounds yummy and that sky is beautiful. I love interesting clouds.

  4. What great news. Painfree weightbearing. Awfully promising, isn't it?

  5. The bread sounds nice. Glad Judy is making progress, it will be such a relief when she can walk normally again.

  6. You are being the perfect husband even if you occasionally take time out just to look up at the sky.

  7. That tree does look rather haphazardly pruned. Glad Judy is doing better!

  8. I remember how amazed I was after my hip surgery that I could stand on that leg without pain. I still had recovery to go through (and surgical pain), but that was SUCH a relief - it worked!

  9. I'm glad to hear that Judy is making good progress. You are taking good care of her!

  10. Good to hear that your patient is improving. Fresh baked treats will help.

  11. Lovely sky view there, and really good news that Judy is making progress. Yay! (NewRobin13)

  12. Good for Judy and also thou for baking the bread.
