Friday, November 3, 2023


 It seems like Friday was just here, doesn't it?

That's what happens when they put Halloween on a Tuesday.

But now that that's out of the way, we can get back to normality.


Oh no, just when you thought it was safe to come back out in public, more holidays are slamming into you.

I was listening to NPR in the car the other day and it was reported that some people begin their Christmas shopping BEFORE November.

And even more unbelievable some people are ALREADY DONE!

As for me, all I can do is begin thinking about Thanksgiving.

And yes, I know, you folks up in Canada have already had yours.

But down here in the Estados Unidos . . .

Wow! A double whammy from the Treksters!

Well, that's it again for another week.

Now get busy on your Christmas shopping, you procrastinators, and finish those Holiday cards.

And have a festive weekend.

(Oh, stop gnashing your teeth.)

But above all, always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . ah, suspicions confirmed . . )


  1. You hit 'em out of the park! Everyone was A1! Laughing all the way! Thank you for starting my weekend off with a bang!

  2. I agree with Kitty. And I'll take it one step further- jump in too.

  3. These are all so funny. We had such good laughs at each one. Thank you! (NewRobin13)

  4. I sent that first one to my niece who has started putting up their Christmas Village already! :)

  5. I think you recently presented us with at least three Fridays, and here you go again. I can relate to the 9pm midnight, and, yes, I do the corrective lens thing -- at least in my head although I sometimes hold my tongue.

  6. Love the extra Trek! I'm hoping to mostly get out of shopping except for the littles.

  7. Love 9 pm is the new midnight.
    I was is a store yesterday that had all the Christmas decorations out and people were buying them!

  8. That 9:00 one is THE TRUTH. Also, I'm with the cat - push her!

  9. That 9 pm one is so true. And I'm a notorious night owl.

  10. I'm still laughing at electric cars. 😊

  11. Oh those Trekkies! When my kids were little I used to start Christmas shopping right after Easter. I'd put things on "lay-by" at the stores and pay them off each week so by December all I had to do was wrap and label.

  12. Another great collection Lord Taylor. My personal favourite is the two pairs of glasses. "Should of", "could of" and "would of" always make me feel like murdering.

  13. Love them all!! The check in on the elderly, I'm up at 6 or 6:30am!! True along with 9pm feels like midnight! Great batch this week. (Carla Foster)
