Wednesday, December 27, 2023


When I was a young man growing up in cold and snowy North Dakota I learned the value of a nice warm sweatshirt.

(For you residents of the UK, think "jumper".)

Even the governor wore one on a Saturday morning run with his staff and members of the press.

(Governor Bill Guy is the tall fellow on the right in glasses.  I'm the lad in dark on the left, apparently dreaming of going back to bed.)

They were cheap.

They were rugged.

They lasted forever.

And most important of all, they were warm.

So as I have reached the senescence of my long and not-so-well-lived life and the temperature has dipped into the 50 degree range . . .

(Again for you residents of not only the UK but the entire world outside of the U.S. of A., think Fahrenheit.  Celsius puts it in the 10 degree range and now I'm really shivvering.)

. . . I went looking in the retail outlets for sweatshirts.

Lo and behold, I found one.

Bright red it is and, with it's fleecy composition, as warm as I remember from the Good Old Days.

But I only got one and while I am extremely careful in the kitchen and at the dining table (he lied) it would accumulate spots from time to time.

I dreamed of getting one or two more and today I went back to the same store and did just that.

Now, SWMBO has qualms about me shopping alone for additions to my wardrobe.

And when I came home and modeled my latest purchase, she shuddered noticeably and covered her eyes.

Now I ask you: is this too much?

She seemed to think it was a tad (or a truckload) too bright.

But I assured her it would protect me when I go out to the street to pick up the mail from our mailbox.

And frankly, I love it.

(To be honest: I got one other in a subdued dark grey.)

By the way, when I was looking for that first picture above I found one other of me in a sweatshirt, albeit a short-sleeved one worn for summer.

It shows me exhibiting my style sense at the end of our obviously exhausting weeklong migration from Indiana to Arizona in 1972.

It was just past July 4th and I was still dressed for the patriotic fervor.


  1. Hey, folks....its even brighter than the real life. And I thought he had some sense of style. Wrong!

  2. I like the idea that passing cars and deer hunters will see him from miles away.

  3. No one will miss you in the orange sweatshirt AND it's perfect for Halloween. Win-win. I hope your taste in beer has improved, Bruce! ;)

    1. Oh it has. I have a friend in Colorado who worked for Coors and I used to give her slag about how Budweiser was so much better. But then I visited England and lived in Mexico and realized most mass-produced American beer is crap. Of late I'm a fan of Black Butte Porter from Deschutes Brewery in Bend, Oregon.

    2. That is, indeed, an excellent porter. It's the one I chose for my wedding reception. I'm more of an amber ale person but do prefer a more full-bodied beer these days than when I was younger.

    3. Oops, not my wedding--my older daughter's wedding! :)

  4. Just point out to your wife that the orange sweatshirt will make it easier for her to find you.

  5. I bet once the new sweatshirt has been through the laundry a few times the color will mellow a bit.

  6. 10/50 is about the best C to F conversion. 21C is almost exactly 70F and 30C+85F more or less, but 10/50 is spot on.

  7. I know the feeling about shopping for my own clothes. Sometimes it's easier to let the Micro Manager do it and the hell with great colors.

  8. outside!, it will probably fade pretty quickly, right? Your neighbors might think you're heading to the state pen, you know.
    But, I bought a (used) Hoosier today in brilliant hot pink, so who am I to talk? In my defense, I must say I never buy this color usually, but the price was right and it was my size, so homebit came.

  9. You'll have only yourself to blame when you are mistaken for an ADOT worker, given a shovel and a stretch of potholes.

  10. That last one just looks like a t-shirt to me. The neon orange one will enable rescue services to easily find you should you come to grief on your walks.

  11. tc Light/Breezes---well, you can't get lost in that orange. As for the last picture, makes me think you were traveling with The Band or perhaps Canned Heat!

    1. Funny you should mention Canned Heat. Many years later I met a friend of a friend who played keyboards for that band for awhile. Ed Beyer lives near Prescott.

  12. I like it! And it's so practical. 😊

  13. The weather has been so dull here that a bit of bright colour is a welcome sight.

  14. I love that photo of you running with the Governor. Sweatshirts are a great way to stay warm. Roger wears one very often. Your new orange sweatshirt looks nice, warm, and bright! (NewRobin13)

  15. I live in sweatshirts and sweatpants on cold days. My favorite style of clothing! Mine are mostly light gray and dark gray, tho.
    Well, everyone will see you coming with that new shirt you got!

  16. I like the orange sweatshirt! As you said, it will keep you visible. That picture is funny -- what a drag to have to run for work! You're even carrying a file folder!

  17. Wow! Where are my sunglasses?
    Linda Sand

  18. If I were to wear that orange shirt, you could take me to the back 40 and Old Yeller me.
