Saturday, October 14, 2023


 Today the moon crossed paths with the sun.

It's an annular solar eclipse.

In it, the moon is far enough from the sun that it never totally blots it out, hence causing what is called the Ring of Fire.

I thought you would like to see my photographs of it.

Yes, I did take that photo.

But it's of my television screen as the total annularity was shown from San Antonio, Texas, where scores of people had gathered at the Alamo to see the event.

Here in Arizona, we were a little ways off of the direct path so we never saw the total ring of the sun around the moon.

But, and I am amazed, I found that I did get a couple of photos of what we did see with my Android smartphone camera.

And here they are.

Nothing spectacular but at least you get the idea.

And, by the way, I didn't have any of those special glasses so I never looked directly at the sun.

How was it where you live?