Wednesday, January 17, 2024



Some light clouds in the sky gave a painter's palette to the sky as the sun rose this morning.

It seems to give hope for a pleasant day.

Yesterday was pleasant for my wife as she continues to make progress from her knee replacement surgery a little more than two months ago.

Most people who have had the same operation say it takes about six months to fully recover from the trauma imposed on the patient.

Her visit to her surgeon was a bit of a surprise.

He said he was pleased with her progress and that she can bend her leg more than he had expected.

As for the straightening of the leg that one of his nurses had been warning Judy about, he said she needed to work on that but she was only about 2 degrees off.

I know Judy was also pleased to go to her appointment using only a cane for the first time!

When we went to lunch with relatives on Saturday was the first time she had tried that outside the house.

So, we're happy and perhaps more confident as the sun painted a congratulatory sky for us this morning.

Now about that meal yesterday, using a dried Thai chili.

I heated a frozen meal of Coconut Chicken Curry with Mango from Costco and sprinkled over it the chili which I had chopped up.

Montana Mike had suggested that and so did David (Laughing Horse Blogger of the Year for 2023) in the comments yesterday.

I am happy to report that it added a touch of spice to the meal and SWMBO and I scarfed it down with no problems.

Maybe all these years of eating Mexican food have made us immune.

Oh and we accompanied it with Seeds of Change (a brown rice and quinoa mix).

Seems to me like the variety and flavors of "instant" foods available these days is getting better.

So my Great Dried Thai Chili experiment turned out well.

At least I didn't make *this* mistake.


  1. I don't like to eat spicy hot food as it causes havoc in my stomach! Glad you and your wife enjoyed your curry!
    I love that meme and have done that myself on several occasions!! :)

  2. Yes, what a sunrise this morning! 'Red by morning, sailors take warning.' Judy's leg will be like Wonder Woman. Leap buildings in a single bound!

  3. A beautiful sky! And good news on your wife's progress with her new knee.
    Interesting way to spice up that dinner!! I agree that it seems like boughten prepared meals are improving, at least from what I hear from friends. It sure makes it handy for single people, working folks and just for a break for the rest of us. Several friends use Hello Fresh, Blue Apron, etc, and are okay with the meals, but not ecstatic. I guess this old hillbilly will continue cooking from scratch until she just can't do it any more. Old habits are hard to break.

  4. Sounds like a good plan. Way to go, Judy! What great progress she's making.

  5. I envy SWMBO for her new improved knee, but I don't envy your spicy peppered-up meal!

    1. I've had that prepared meal from Costco usually on a bed of Jasmine rice. It's already too spicey and they hid peppers under it!

  6. Hurray for Judy! Your meal sounds great but spicy.

  7. I am so glad for Judy's progress. Refresh my memory. How long has it been since her surgery?

  8. I'm glad that Judy is coming along so well. And that your experiment with the chili went well. I agree, our selection of instant foods is so much better than years ago. I use them to jazz up my food too.

  9. Good to hear that swmbo is making good progress with the knee. It's a long recuperation so some positive feed back cheers one up.

  10. HaHa, I've done that wrong burner thing!
    I'm glad the chilli experimnet turned out well. Also Happy to hear Judy's knee is doing so well.

  11. Glad she's doing well..nice morning sky

  12. I remember forgetting my cain for the first time, realizing an hour later, that I was moving well without it. She has that to look forward in time.

  13. I love the Seeds of Change, too. This is one of my favorite recipes to use with it.

  14. The lady is progressing well. 👍

  15. Good for Judy getting the bend but please tell her I did not get my legs straight and it has affected my posture ever since, leading to a bad back. I encourage her to make that effort as well.
    Linda Sand

  16. So glad Judy's leg is healing well! That's great news. And glad the chili didn't knock you out. :)
