Monday, January 8, 2024


 Remember our snowfall yesterday?

Almost all gone today as the storm moved east.

'Course it got some help from this fella.

And how does that make me feel?

But let me tell you, even though the sun is shining brightly, it's c-o-l-d out there.

30°F/-1°C at 11 o'clock as I'm writing this.

It's only supposed to top out at 34 today but tomorrow 45 so we can all go out and sunbathe.

Ha!  As if!

But there's one more thing that put a smile on my face this morning so I'll share it with you.

Have a great day!


  1. I like your owl! Glad that snow didn't stick around much.

    1. I think I got a "new and improved" version of Waterlogue and it seems to work better.

  2. Agreed on the owl! Meant to mention it earlier! I'm not sure even my socks fit. The weather went back and forth so many times yesterday from high winds, to sleet, to sun, that I never ran errands. So this morning I was making an Amazon return by 9am and then off to Costco and Sprouts and no one was in the stores!

  3. Our snow looks like yours today but it is +3˚C here so a bit warmer than for you.

  4. That's more like February here. Our snow will be here for while.

  5. That was Cheerful Monk, of course. 😊

  6. We might get a lot more snow starting tonight and continuing tomorrow. Hope it passes us by so I can get out and about tomorrow. But if it hits us, it will be a cozy day at home for me!

  7. I love that kind of snow--pretty for a brief period of time, then GONE. But brrr. We're getting both conditions plus wind this week. I'm not looking forward to any of it!

  8. You've had a nasty day with the wind at that temperature. We have good old North Dakota weather today. We had a high of minus 8 C and Thur the forecast is for a high of minus 26 C.

  9. That's a good one :) my socks still fit, earrings too. 45 degrees! almost shorts and barefeet weather! Ha Ha. The sun looks lovely coming at you through that tree.

  10. The sad thing is that not ALL my socks fit (fat calves over here). Ha!

  11. Sock it to us. In fact, we may be socked in tomorrow. It's already white after yesterday, and we're getting another dumping tomorrow. So I suspect we will have snow cover until March, but maybe not.

  12. Some of that snow seems to have settled on your beard. Is this the reason you left North Dakota?

  13. You're always guaranteed a giggle when you pop in to this blog!

  14. That's way too cold. It's also way to cold down here.

  15. Glad your socks is still fit. You're going to need them in this weather! Brrrr! Aloha!

  16. We are currently in the middle of an 8-10 inch snowstorm, which was talked about for a week. Didn't see a flake of snow. Just rain in the mid-30s, with 40 mph wind gusts. I am not missing the snow, but this precipitation does not give me the same feeling you got from your snowfall.
