Friday, April 5, 2024


 I've been doing a lot of thinking this week about how much longer I can or want to do this.

This blogging.

These Friday Funnies.

All of it.

After all I've been blogging since early March of 2008.

That means I've gone over 16 years.

I can't even remember when I started with The Friday Funnies but looking back randomly that seems like years too.

So as I lie in my bed sometimes letting these thoughts run through my mind, I wonder about ending it all.

No, no, not my life!

I meant this blogging life.

I mean y'all must know about everything about me by now since I rarely keep anything secret.

So perhaps it's getting to be time to pull the plug on it.

Maybe on my next birthday in a few weeks.

My 84th!!!

But then I thought, well, maybe on my 85th birthday.

That's a nice round number.

But then, oh heck what if I don't live that long.

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.

Well it gives me something to think about.

But, in the meantime, here's another gaggle of goofy gigglers.

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, we await the total eclipse of the Sun on Monday.

Well, some places.

Here in my part of Arizona it looks like 50 to 60 percent will be covered by the moon's shadow.

But the forecast for right here for that day is "Cloudy" so it will probably be a negligible event.

As for the rest of you in the path of the eclipse, remember not to look at the sun without special glasses.

Enjoy the oreo-stuffed Krispy Kremes and the Black Slushout Floats from Sonic.

But before then do your gosh-darndest to have a jolly good weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

(Oh, and by the way, I know "arguement" in one of the memes above is a misspelling.)

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . oh, decisions, decisions . . )


  1. As long as you are acquiring material for the Friday Funnies think about just doing those once a week. I forward them to eight people who say they enjoy them!

    1. I forward to 20 and they look forward to every Friday.

    2. Wow great lineup. Coffee shooting out of our noses! Agreed. Once a week. Just the funnies. So many people say TGIF when you are in their inbox!

  2. What? You would deprive us of a morning laugh? 90 will be a good year. Maybe shoot for 90!!

    1. Certainly not before 90........please keep posting

  3. Love Here Kitty kitty 😄
    I think that we have been blogging for the same time, near enough..keep on going..we enjoy your company!! And if you stop blogging yourself....keep on reading and commenting!!

  4. I hope you keep blogging as I enjoy all of your posts! I always look forward to Friday Funnies and you find the best memes!
    Have a good weekend!

  5. Thank you for these Friday Funnies. We always look forward to the laughs you post here. As a former blogger who completely deleted the blog we had for almost 20 years, I will say that I do feel some regret about doing that. I hope you will keep blogging, but I understand the desire to let go. (NewRobin13)

  6. These are great! I do enjoy these Friday laughs. I too have been blogging for a long time...2007 for me...but I think of it as my journal. I was never good at keep a journal but for some reason blogging works for me. I feel kinda sad that I only stumbled on your blog in the past year!

  7. If you are expecting advice from me, it will not be forthcoming. I have enjoyed the Friday Funnies over the years, but in the end it must be down to you to make a decision that seems right for you. All good things come to an end: that is the way of things.

    I have stopped blogging, although Gwynt remains in place should I ever feel the desire to write something which I suspect few people would find of interest. I now keep a journal, which is never published, and that keeps me satisfied.

    As a wise 'someone' once said to me, "Don't forget to take time out for yourself." May the wind ever be at your back.

  8. I love your Friday Funnies but also enjoy seeing the latest masterpiece from the kitchen so I hope you continue even if only a couple of times a week.

  9. I come close to feeling that way every now and then, but then I come across something, even just something in my brain, the next day, and I write my few little paragraphs or post my few little pictures, I don’t try to hold to a schedule, though. I just post when something tickles my brain.

  10. Yes, at 84 I sometimes wonder about continuing the blog. I also started in 2008. My recommendation to you...keep on blogging. You still have interesting things to say. Everybody would miss the Friday funnies.

  11. Please don't stop.

  12. I started blogging just a couple of months before you and agree it's hard to come up with things I haven't written about before. But even if you cut back please keep the regular Friday Funnies!

  13. tc-Light/Breezes---If you stop blogging we'll just have to drive over to your place and hang around on the patio until you make us smile.

  14. from the city a mile high!April 5, 2024 at 4:59 PM

    16 isn't enough.....4 MORE YEARS 4MORE YEARS 4 MORE YEARS

  15. My advice. Take a break if you need it. You might find yourself refreshed and missing the writing. That is what happened to me.

  16. :D I love your posts and hope you continue writing them. Whatever you decide please know you are appreciated and you would be missed.

  17. Oreo-stuffed Krispy Kremes? I can't think of anything worse! I really dislike oreos and whatever that "creme" stuff is in the "creme" filled Krispy Kremes, it certainly isn't actual cream.
    Take a break if you need to and while you're on that break if you decide to not start up again, just let us know.

  18. Eighty four hey? Then you will truly qualify to be called an "old timer"! Keep on blogging Brucie - blogging your blues away!

  19. I' may have tried to get out of the car with my seatbelt still on:)

  20. Every one of these was hilarious - thanks! Also, I hear you about stopping. I guess it's ok if you want to. I mean, I won't be happy about it, but...
