Tuesday, May 21, 2024


It's time for a bit of a progress report on the side yard at our abode.

"The Girls" have nearly finished the base painting of the fence.

As Judy and I were sitting inside, looking out through the glass slider, she said "I like it already, it's so much more cheerful."

And I agreed.

There will be more to come, trees, bushes, probably a lake, the inevitable hot air balloons, and maybe a cat peeking out of the foliage.

And speaking of foliage, adjoining one end of the painting, Judy's honeysuckle vine is lush with new growth.

And it's bursting into bloom.

While hanging from the arbor up above, the spinner is taking it all in while trying to keep from blowing into the next county.


  1. My vine like that is bursting too! And everything is blowing in this wind!

  2. I'm so excited to see the finished product!

  3. It does look more cheerful, I love your spinner. I don't have much luck with my honeysuckle, it was labelled "purple honeysuckle" which seems to be a small size variety and it isn't doing well at all, though it has been there five years now. I may rip it out a plant a regular type. It's one of the very few fragrances I can breathe without a hayfever attack.

  4. I LOVE honeysuckle! We don't have any, but I always smell it along the county road. Can't wait to see what your fence mural will yield!

  5. I can see that this fence will be interesting when it's finished,

  6. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result of the fence. 😊
    Cheerful Monk

  7. How come you are not doing any painting yourself? Are you like the director? Anyway, it will all be a big improvement on the previously plain wooden fence.
