Friday, May 17, 2024


Wow! Sorry I'm late.

But you can't get rid of me that easy . . . just a bad night.

Maybe I should stop sniffing those paint fumes.

Any way, it's Friday again as most of another week has just brushed by.

So let's get going.

You got a beef with that?

How's that for a round trip, eh?

Right back where we began.

To atone for my tardiness today, I gave you a teensy bit bigger portion from the Humor Cafe.

Now the weather is warming up so get outside, gambol about on the sward, or not, but have yourselves a wonderful weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . Oh, and ours was *very* insistent this morning . . . )


  1. I've no beef with that lot 😎

    Yes, why are my humans wasting all this daylight?😄
    Blackbirds singing at 3.45 am this morning 😳

  2. These were great! A few I had to think about but that's always good!

  3. Had to show these to Larry, too good not to ahare!

  4. Great laughs. Love the last cat!

  5. Oh these were great!! 6 Kings, 5 Kings, 4 Kings! Loved it! A great batch this morning!!

  6. The ST one, hee hee. Whenever I see a phone number on a meme, I have to restrain myself from calling! My cat has been noisy lately too, probably bored.

  7. thecontemplativecat here. I wonder if the sheep realized that they weren't going anywhere. Without the border collie, sheep do not have a sense of direction.

  8. The Viking one took a little brain power to figure out, but it was worth it!

  9. It took a minute to get the Vikings cartoon but wen I did , it's a very clever cartoon. You have to know your Roman numbers.

  10. Thank you Red, I didn't get the Vikings one. All the others made me laugh out loud. "please open the gate", I guess sheep really are that stupid.

  11. The cat was checking the food source was still alive.

  12. I'm always as useless as the g in lasagna. 😊

  13. Thanks to the commenters that explained the Viking joke to me! ;)

  14. Thank goodness for your anonymous commenter above, because that Vikings one went right over my head.

    As for the cat, Olga does that to us every day -- wakes us up at 5 a.m. because she's bored!

  15. That cat made me laugh out loud. I had a cat like that.

  16. There were many terrible and hilarious ones today! And sheep are so dumb.
