Sunday, June 16, 2024


 It's really not a big day for me, hasn't been in years.

But here's a rare smiling photo of my own dad, for whom I'm named, the senior Franklin Taylor.

Our names differ in that he was Franklin Berry Taylor and I am Franklin Bruce Taylor.

His middle name came from his mother.

I have no idea where mine came from.

And one picture of the two of us in my back yard in Phoenix, sometime in the 1970's, as we were engaged in a tough game of cribbage.

He died in 1980, 44 years ago now.

On the other end of the spectrum, I had an email from my only living son this morning.

He said his youngest daughter graduated from high school yesterday and also, because of an advanced placement program she was enrolled in, got an AA degree for her first two years of college!

He was very proud of her for that, as he should be, and said he was just going to take it easy today.

And now the picture you've all been waiting for, a selfie I took this morning to send to a friend who's celebrating his 86th birthday today.

That picture gives me . . . . "Satisfaction"!


  1. Well, happy Father's Day even if it wasn't a big celebration. Wasn't a big to-do here either. I made an apple-raspberry pie and we topped it with homemade vanilla ice cream, and now enjoying a bit of Jameson's.
    I like your selfish. You seem to have kept your good looks through all the stages of aging. Kudos to you!

    1. Aw shucks, GS, thank yuh, thank yuh ver' much.

  2. Lovely photos and congratulations to the young graduate.

  3. You take great pictures!
    ---Cheerful Monk

  4. I consider most if not all holidays simply an excuse to catch up, either by phone, email, in person, whatever. Otherwise, they don't mean much to me. Excellent news about your youngest granddaughter--what an accomplishment! You resemble your dad, somewhat. Did he die young?
    Love the Stones!

  5. Satisfaction indeed...still here, looking good!

  6. Happy Father's Day, and what a wonderful accomplishment for your grandchild. I have been quietly posting a selfie a day this year.

  7. Happy Father's Day, Franklin Bruce Taylor!

  8. Satisfaction, indeed! Thanks for sharing the memories of your own dad.

  9. I thought that Charlie Watts had died but there he is, alive and well in a secret Arizona hideaway.

  10. That's an amazing story about your granddaughter. I'd be busting mah buttons!

    It strikes me that you've got a lot of reasons to get satisfaction from your life.
