Friday, June 14, 2024


Well, here we are again at the penultimate day before a weekend.

It looks good for a hot time in the old town.

We consider ourselves fortunate.

Our old toaster oven/air fryer has been relocated to the garage and mostly forgotten.

Except for this time of year in our environs when it's just too warm to turn on the oven in the house.

So the other day I baked some Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken in the device we had nearly forgotten.

We got a hot meal and the house stayed cool.

Good old a.c.

Anyway enough about that.

Let me entertain you!

Now, if there are any (many) of these gems that you don't understand just think about it for awhile and it will come to you.

Speaking of coming to you, you don't think I'd forget these guys, did you?

Here in Arizona, we call it a FRIED-DAY!

All right, I'll stop.

I'm not complainin', just explainin'.

So go ahead, wherever you are and feel free to have an amazingly stupendous weekend.

But always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . sorry, couldn't resist one more . . )


  1. I had to really think about the dandelion one!

  2. Totally lost on the dandelion one?!?
    You made me smile when I realized, It's Friday- joke day! Thanks!

  3. We had such good laughs. Thank you for starting our day with the Friday Funnies! (NewRobin13)

  4. Don't get the dandelion one, but sure enjoyed the rest!

  5. For the dandelion meme, you have to recognize that Zimmerman is Bob Dylan and think of a popular song of his. You will then have the answer, my friend.

  6. "Zimmerman" took me a while, but I got it. The ducks, however, are over my head.

  7. I hope Zimmerman remembered it correctly!

  8. I would never have figured out the Zimmerman one. Not sure about the ducks. I love your Friday Funnies!

  9. Dylan's original name is one of those bits of trivia that lodged it'self in my brain.

  10. May I say that you have a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very silly sense of humour* Bruce?

    * humour = humor (American)

    1. But at least I've finally got all my ducks in a row! 🤣

    2. Oh, duh! NOW I get the ducks!

  11. Apollo G is my favorite. Thanks for the Zimmerman explanation, and thank you for reminding me when it's Friday. That always takes me by surprise.
    ---Cheerful Monk

  12. I had to read through the comments to get the Zimmerman one; you may remember that Mari and I are not fans of that artist. I'm sorry it's so hot. 65 here with rain coming in. Toaster ovens are scary for me; I don't understand how they work. My older daughter and family have one and I give it a wide berth.

    1. They're just like a regular oven, only smaller and faster.

  13. If you hear pounding on your door in the wee hours, it's the joke police.

  14. I really like the ducks in a row. They almost sneak it past you.

  15. I needed the Zimmerman explanation too! Can someone please tell me the tap one?
    Also.....why do the Friday Funnies seem to come round about every 2 days? ......OK I looked it up, it's because I am old!!

    1. In the Arizona desert communities, like Phoenix, it is so hot in the summertime that it takes awhile for the cold water reach the surface of your tap, hence both are hot for awhile. And don't feel bad, we're *all* old!

  16. Ha Ha Silicone, and Apollo G. Thanks for the laughs.

  17. I finally got the ducks in a row during the night and went "ohhhh"!

  18. Great collection, a wonderful start to my weekend, THANK YOU!

  19. These are terrible! Ha! Lizzie's my favorite :)

  20. Could Not figure out the
    dandelion/Dylan joke until I looked up his popular songs list,1st one-blowing
    in the wind,how dandelion
    disperses seeds ... Mary
