Sunday, July 14, 2024


I suppose this post should have appeared yesterday, on the 13th, long associated with superstition as are black cats.

So, just pretend it's the 13th today and see what happens when a 10 pound cat comes across a 5 pound box.

Why she snuggles right down into it, of course.

I don't know of any cat that can resist a box.

That's Opal, one of the BAD's feline tribe.

And actually I suspect she may weigh more than ten pounds but don't say anything.

We wouldn't want her to be embarrassed.

Meanwhile, over at our abode, the contest to get a decent picture of our much smaller Sweetie-Pie continues.

I think I surprised her with my camera-phone this time.

But, as SWMBO pointed out, our little kitty seems to be frowning.

So I tried again, calling her by name and holding up my free hand to get her to look up.

And THAT was the result.

Maybe I'll learn my lesson some day: never ASK a cat to pose for a photograph.

They will tell you "I ain't havin' any!"


  1. I love it!
    ---Cheerful Monk

  2. Cats are gonna cat. Boxes, yes. Posed photos, no.

  3. The half closed eyes indicate love so that's good. My Mari was in a box too!

  4. "I don't know of any cat that can resist a box."
    I do. Lola, my current cat. Angel, my previous cat. Missy, Sam, Ginger and assorted other cats I have owned. Not a single one of them ever snuggled into a box of any size or shape. Some might have walked over and had a sniff then walked away. All of them preferred to sleep on sofas, armchairs, windowsills and my bed.

  5. Posed photos are never the best...humans or cats!! A fun action shot though...!!

  6. In the past, our two long-lived cats - Blizzard and Boris - indicated very clearly that they were not into photography.

  7. Keep trying, those eyes are amazing.

  8. It IS funny how cats love a box, the snugger the better. By the way, did you see I posted Brigitte for you?

  9. Lol. That first picture of Sweetie-pie looks more like Cranky-pie.
