Friday, August 23, 2024


So how has your week gone, eh?

Oooohh, that good?

Well mine has been somewhat iffy.

I had a visit from my PT guy's boss lady and she wasn't thrilled with my progress so far.

You'd never guess what she wants me to do.

Stand up!

From a chair!


I tried telling her how old I was but that didn't cut any ice with her.

Lessee, we've had a few thunderstorms this week.

One of them knocked the power off for a few minutes.

Just long enough that I had to reset the clocks on the microwave, the stove, etc. etc.

Then this morning I noticed that one of them was reading "19:45" and I had to figure out how to reset it to 12-hour time.

So that's been my week, now let's see what's happening in the Comedy House.

Oh I should have known.

But that's what people are saying about some of the humor from my Comical Cartel.

Oh well, we'll just keep trying.

In the meantime, we wish all the rest of you would join us in having a perfectly phenomenal weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oh, is it that time again . . . )


  1. PT can be demanding at our ages. Great collection this week, thanks we needed that.

  2. Boss Lady is right!!
    Work on getting the centre of gravity in the right place...then pretend that you are hauling yourself up hand over hand on a rope....

  3. This was an All-Star post! We laughed and laughed which is a good way to jump start the weekend! Thanks!

  4. You can do it! Don't give up!
    Thanks for the smiles!

  5. Thanks for the laughs this morning, I needed it.

  6. Thanks for today and every Friday! It's a great "look forward" that is always "rewarded"! Lori

  7. 😊👍
    —-Cheerful Monk

  8. Getting up with no hands? Geeze, that's challenging. My back right now won't allow that.

  9. I so look forward to Fridays, just to see what you have for us! Sorry about the PT. I am a little younger than you and I am not sure I could do that. Hmmm. Better get to work on that.

  10. Love the cartoon of the elderly looking aghast! I look forward to your funnies each week and the smiles that they bring me even when I'm a bit down.
    I hope the PT gave you some exercises to help make that chair raising happen.

  11. Good ones, all of them, thanks.

  12. I remember my first hip surgery was only a few years after I had shoulder surgery & I had the hardest time trying to figure out how to get out of a chair with just one good arm. So here is me wishing you luck on your endeavors!

  13. One that makes me laugh is "On the evening news, they told people to check on the elderly during the heat wave. I wake up at 6. Bring donuts."

  14. At some point in the short to medium future I get to have a heart transplant. One of the first milestones to recovery is getting yourself out of bed with using your arms. Why? Because my sternum will have been cut out to do the swap. So there will be PT there while I'm still attached to a couple of dozen IVs and god only knows how many wires.
    Dread does not begin to describe my feelings
