Thursday, October 24, 2024


For all of you thousands of readers wondering, with bated breath, if our new oven is working here is the sad truth.

Not sad to ME but perhaps to you folk who are getting tired of my incessant bragging reportage on my kitchen exploits.

Two loaves of English Muffin Bread, fresh from the oven, cooling on a rack, ready for my lady.

So that's this morning's successful experiment to see if the new oven worked like the old oven.

It does, even though the other one was gas and this one's electric.

That takes care of the "Bread" in the title of this blog.

Now about that other word - "Terror".

The one has nothing to do with the other.

In case you have been marooned on a desert island somewhere, let me remind you that Halloween is one week from today.

And continuing a long-standing tradition here at Oddball (or maybe that's just in my mind) I will share a creepy cartoon, a murderous meme, a selection provided by my Halloween scarifiers each day leading up to the Hallowed Eve.

And on that day, you'll get a healthy dose of horror.

So with that, here's my first offering.

It's not exactly Halloween related though it would certainly scare the Dickens out of me.

And yes, I did sneak Charles Dickens in there.

At any rate, enjoy.

Or not.

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