Saturday, October 26, 2024


You may be forgiven for not inquiring as to the progress on the fence mural as it has been many months.

But those months meant Summer.

And with the double impact of living in Arizona and the effects of Climate Change, that means months of staying inside and away from the mural.

Recently, however, the weather broke a bit and the juices of creation began stirring again in my Resident Artist, also known here as SWMBO, or She Who Must Be Obeyed.

So let me show you the recent progress with the admonition from herself to inform you that this is a work in progress and much more needs to be done.

Yet there, peeping through her hideaway in a cluster of flowers, is someone who resembles our beloved Sweetie-Pie!

Last night, the model herself was across the room from us, practicing her Halloween stare.

Oh yes, it's her.

She was "ready for her close-up."

I think she was more frightening than this friend she may have been trying to emulate.

At any rate, the paint goes on and I'll try to keep you informed of new progress.

Speaking of artists . . .

Only five more days folks.


  1. Judy has some amazing talent...that's a mural worthy of being inside.

  2. Should Fish More (Mike)October 26, 2024 at 2:55 PM

    sorry, that was from me

  3. Oh, my! Love the resident cat in the mural! What a clever idea!

  4. That is definitely a Halloween-worthy model. SWMBO has done a fine job so far. I'm sure the final result will be breathtaking. No need to rush. We can wait for suitable fence-painting weather.

  5. tc/Light/Breezes--agree with brother Mike. The fence is looking great! Great shots of Sweetie-Pie! Still chuckling at the Van Gogh.

  6. Sweetie-pie looks like one of those solar powered animal ornaments you can buy for your garden, where the "eyes" are always far too large and bright and just look weird. The painting is looking lovely.

  7. I've never caught Mari with eyes like that! Although several family members think she's an unfriendly demon, she's definitely not. Well, not a demon anyway. Love how the mural is developing!

  8. Thank you for the update. That is a scary stare!

  9. Lovely work by your Resident Artist!

  10. The fence mural is a beautiful work-in-progress. I almost spit my coffee out with the Van Gogh Halloween costume!

  11. Great art work, and I love those eyes on the cat.

  12. Gosh, that mural is really looking terrific! Judy is sure talented!
