Monday, December 30, 2024


 Oh, my, so this is how the another year nears an end.

What a day!

It began with doing my normal Monday chores: filling my pill containers with the week's dosages; cleaning out the cat pan; clipping my fingernails.

Then after I had stepped out to dump some stuff in our dumpster and noticing how warm it felt in the sunshine I decided to go for a walk.

(All my doctors have been nagging me about that for years, to no avail.)

I told Judy I was going over to the nearby park because the sidewalks there are relatively level.

I walked all the way around the outside of the dog park (though I stopped several times to observe the many dogs also enjoying the weather).

At home, I dug into Henry David Thoreau's Walden book once again and read several pages.

For some unknown reason this prodded me to do some long-put-off dusting of my desk, a large art picture of my late uncle over it and a small-ish wall cabinet for my collection of mini-Buddhas and other  Asian figures.

Then I decided to hang a few paintings that have been waiting for weeks to occupy an empty wall space.

And now I'm listening to a Classic Country station on Amazon.

Judy asked me why I was listening to Hillbilly music but she nodded approvingly at the Hank Williams song that came on.

Later I tried to create a mocktail for Judy but I missed the food coloring that I needed to fix her my version of a "Shirley Temple".

So that's my December 30th.

We're only two days from a New Year and it seems I've already started on my non-existent List of Resolutions.