It's a great day!
Not only is it Friday but just look at that date.
Say it to yourself.
No, better yet, say it out loud.
Shout it out!
Eleven-twenty, twenty-twenty!!!
There, now don't you feel just a teench better?
And now that people are staring at you anyway let's put big smiles on your faces with some funnies!
Did you have trouble with that one?
It took me awhile too so I'll spell it out for you.
See, it's Bob the Spoon, Ernie the Fork and Mac the . . .
Okay, stop throwing things, here's an easier one.
Okay with that one from the bottom of my sole (soul), I will call a halt to these proceedings.
Now enjoy your weekend, Gentle Readers, and always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .