Last night about 10:30 or later I heard some loud thumping noises coming from just outside the house. (It was probably a neighbor dumping some garbage into his bin.) But being the brave warrior of my hearth, I opened a sliding door and was peering out into the inky darkness. I saw nothing. Except a (not so) small dark shape zip past me and out into the yard. It was this inky evildoer.
Blackwell is an inside cat. He KNOWS that. But he can't resist an open door and will go through it if it stays open too long or if the door opening person isn't on alert.
So last night, when our neighbors were either sound asleep or preparing to sleep, there was Blackwell outside and me too, calling his name. Fortunately he was apparently frightened as he kept crying whenever I would call. I went inside to secure a flashlight, then opened the garage door. I was afraid the noise of that door opening would scare the cat into running but he was still out there, somewhere. Tracking the sound of his voice I quickly spotted him and called him home. He obediently (strange for him) went into the garage, up to the door into the house and as I opened it he proceeded inside.
It had all occurred in about five minutes and I was frankly quite amazed by his quick return.
So, after being scolded by SWMBO for "letting him out" we all settled down and resumed our normal breathing once again.
Meanwhile, Blackwell's older sister Muggles apparently slept through the entire adventure in her favorite spot.