Over by the dam that forms the lake, water was trickling over the top as opposed to the heavy rush of water from a few days ago.
And below the dam the water flowed down Lynx Creek, on its way toward the Agua Fria River.
In the early 1890's, there was a hydraulic mining operation in this canyon. Water was pumped uphill through this pipe to wash gold from the sediment in the Bradshaw Mountain foothills down to be separated.
A closer look at the pipe today revealed animal tracks. Racoon, perhaps. Something was apparently using the pipe as a bridge through the canyon.
Lynx Creek is called the mother lode of Arizona gold mining and panners are at the creek every day trying for that one big find. I now live within about two miles of the creek and go into the city across a bridge where cars are parked along both sides of the road every day; their occupants down below on the creek with their pans and their hopes and dreams.
As for me, I just love the sound of the falling water at the dam.