Monday, October 13, 2014


Yes, even in Arizona, autumn chill in the highlands is causing leaves to change colors.  I think, in my autumnal years, I'm starting to like the fall as the best season of the year.

Meantime, I'm keeping an eye on you.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


I recently visited a local store and bought some new socks.

I decided it was time to add some color to my life and these "Funky Socks" fit the bill.  After all, if George H.W. Bush (age 90) can do it, then so can I.

That little bit of skin showing is what is called "titillation".

I'll not titillate you further by showing pictures of my new colorful boxers.

Friday, October 10, 2014


It's F-R-I-D-A-Y!!!!!

And you know what that means, humor lovers.  To begin with, a look at the week we've all just survived once again.

Then there are those always thoughtful e-cards . . .

Even your local fire department can screw things up . . .

For those of you inclined toward religion . . .

Then there's some helpful advice . . .

I've gotta try that.  Really.

And finally, my friend . . . the kitty.

Thanks to all my contributors, including the ones who just learned they were in that category.  

Have a jolly weekend, folks!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


No one had the correct answer to identify yesterday's photo of a wino on a bench with his bottle still between his legs.

And it's no surprise.

For who would have thought that a passed-out rumpled figure slumped with his addiction protected could be . . . . .

 . . . the normally resolute conservative Washington activist Grover Norquist!

Yes it really is, though the picture is somewhat of a lie.  Here is the story.

And keep in mind that the story and the photo are two and a half years old.

I stumbled across it while searching the Google for a painting of a passed out wino and his bottle.  And being the good Democrat that I am, I couldn't resist it.

                                   * * * * * * * * *

That out of the way, here's today's photo for Throwback Thursday.

And no, that's not Norquist again.  This one is your heroic scribe on the beach in Southern California quite a few years ago.  Huntington Beach State Park, photographed by my tv cameraman of the day, Tim Dietz.  We were on our way to an interview, Tim was driving and after passing one beach after another, Tim suddenly exlaimed "All right, we've got to check this out" and pulled off the road.  I took the opportunity to collect a few small seashells.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Care to guess who that is?

The answer tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


You've probably asked yourself, "Self, do kangaroos actually box?"

Today, self can reply, "Yes.  They do."

Witness this bout filmed recently on an ordinary suburban Australian street.

More than one of my neighbors has told me about the wildlife they've seen running down the street in the early morning.

But never anything like this.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Good Monday morning to you.  I hope your week is spectacular.