Monday, February 9, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015


It is well known that the area where I live was inhabited a thousand years and more before the present residents arrived here.  Several pit houses have been discovered on the north side of Willow Lake and have been carefully explored, restored as much as can be and are now on display for amateur archaelogists and history buffs.

The remaining pits where the houses stood, beginning in 850 A.D., have been protected with concrete walls and steel ramadas. Sidewalks have been laid to allow visitors to view the sites without causing any damage.

Holes were dug in the ground to support tree limbs which in turn provided support for the roofs.  Only the earth excavations remain. Artifacts including pottery shards were removed and taken to a museum.

The larger pits were used for food storage.

Archaelogists have learned that the pit houses were occupied more or less continuously for about 200 years, from around 900 A.D. to 1100 A.D.  Then the Native Americans slowly abandoned the sites and moved away. The area was not inhabited again until the 16th Century, when the Yavapai Apache moved into the area.  They are still here, on a small reservation, but now with a large resort hotel and two casinos.

The earliest inhabitants had this view toward the nearby Willow Lake.

Of course the many houses on the other side of the lake came hundreds of years later.

It's an interesting site worth visiting to learn about some of our earliest visitors to this land called Arizona.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


. . . you can see forever.

Those snow-capped mountains hold the highest point in Arizona. They are the San Francisco Peaks, just north of Flagstaff.  The highest point in the range is Mount Humphreys, 12,633 feet in elevation.  By road, they're around 120 miles from where this picture was taken.  By air, probably 90 to 100 miles.

Zooming in you can get an even better view.

It helps bring them into view when there's snow on the tops.  In the summer the blue of the mountains tends to sort of melt into the sky.

And, of course, it helps when there's a clear, sunny day like today.

Shifting the camera to the left a bit, I can show you Willow Lake.

In spite of a wetter than normal January, the lake is still low.

Friday, February 6, 2015


You're laughing.  I know you are.  I can't hear you but I know it. Thanks to contributors and theft victims, as always, and keep a smile on your kisser, folks!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Once upon a time, when I was living in Austin, Texas, I was out west of the city somewhere (Dripping Springs, maybe) and I stopped in the office of a resort along side a river.  The resort looked nice and I wanted to inquire as to the rates, thinking of maybe a weekend visit. As I was talking to the lady I nonchalantly said something like "I'm not from around here."

Her reply?  

"Yep, I could tell you was a Yankee!"

Now how do you suppose she could tell?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


We keep our cats inside the house.  The older one may remember how we rescued her years ago from a rain storm.  She has no inclination to go outside.  But the younger one spent more of his life as an outdoor feral cat.  Though he was quite seriously damaged numerous times in fights with some other animal, he still longs for the free air and the adventure of the outer world.  He has managed to escape the house briefly several times but was quickly captured and returned to "his prison."  We nicknamed him "the escape artist." While he seems to have finally adapted to his confinement, I still occasionally find him sitting in a beam of sunlight, staring seemingly morosely at that exciting life outside the glass door.

I have thought of getting one of those cat harnesses and leashes but I suspect Blackwell would react to it like this cat did.

It's not easy, being the companion of an indoor cat.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


As I was looking through blogs of "my friends" last night, I ran across this picture on Judy's blog.  (I put "my friends" in quotes because even though I feel they are my friends, I've never met any of them except here in cyberspace.)  Judy is a wonderful photographer with an exceptional "eye" for seeing a picture before she takes it.

But her photo reminded me of a couple I had taken a few days ago from a second floor window of the adjacent Prescott Valley Public Library.

I had been struck by the expanse and view from that window but when I looked at the photo on my camera I realized there was a great sky shot out there.  So I changed the angle slightly and took a second photo, which shows a bit of the Prescott Valley city government building which Judy's shot shows in full.

With the angles and the curves and the many sculptures sited around the grounds, the Prescott Valley municipal center offers a variety of subjects for the photographer.

Incidentally, that green-roofed building in the distance is the Prescott Valley Police Department's headquarters.

Great sky, though.