Monday, July 6, 2015


There's an interesting collection of birthdays today. 

Nancy Reagan is 94. 

Della Reese is 84.

The Dalai Lama is 80. 

George W. Bush and Sylvester Stallone are 69. 

And, speaking of birthdays, the second trio of young warblers have finally left our front porch. Their parents built a nest atop one of the roof pillars.

Stupidly, when the first batch hatched and fledged, I didn't take the nest down.  So the mama bird, figuring she was popular, came back and laid three more eggs. Eventually the babies were born.

I said "stupidly" a few sentences back because while there are birds about, SWMBO refuses us to use the front patio, which has a table and a couple of chairs and is a thoroughly nice place to enjoy a cocktail in the evening.

These new chicks seemed to hang around the nest for an interminably long time before venturing out into the world.

So we hovered around the front windows watching for progress. When they finally fledged (one at a time) Blackwell joined us at the window staring intently at what he probably considered a tasty snack.

Their first day or two of freedom from their brothers and sisters is spent on our table or chairs, testing their wings and examining the world around them. For a short while they remain to be fed by their parents, as you can see in this short video.

Once they were all three fledged, I pulled the nest down and placed a brass vase in the spot to discourage further nest building.

But there are two more protected niches atop pillars so I took a couple of items from my brass Buddha collection and placed them on the other pillars.

As I told our friends, Rick and Lori from down the block, the porch is starting to resemble a temple! But as long as it keeps the birds from nesting. 

And, after three months of occupation by the warblers, I finally have my front porch back! Happy birthday, indeed.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


The monsoon has been good to us, rainwise, this year. It's been pouring here during the last hour. I would imagine there will be some flash flooding in the area but if people drive sensibly that shouldn't be a problem. And as the other day, here's what we'll have to look forward to once the rain stops and the sun peaks through the clouds once again.

I took this picture in our alley on Friday, which is garbage collection day, hence the rubber dumpsters cluttering up the view.

It's always nice to see a rainbow, even though that old Irish myth about a pot of gold at the end of one hasn't come true for me yet.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015


Friday Funnies fans, last week's common theme was such a raging success I decided to do it again. Actually my friend Lori who sent me all or most of those sent me most of this week's photos too. So for the Fourth of July weekend, let's go boating. Unless, of course, you live in California which has no water. (Well, there is that ocean, of course.)

Now since this is a story about adventuring on water, you might think my traditional closing cat shots wouldn't be available this week.

If you had thought that, you'd be wrong.

While this proves that a properly suited cat will take to the waves, here's a picture from Greece, perhaps reflecting the news this week from that sunny land of islands. Cats waiting for fishermen to unload their catch.

Now remember, even if you're not an American celebrating our national holiday, you can go out on a boat for the day, fishing or idling in the sun or exploring. Have fun and always keep laughing.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


SWMBO gets the honors this week.

From a visit to Florida Mexico some years back, that's her in the center surrounded by her sister, Treva, and T's husband, John.  

Always a good time in Florida. Except for the humidity.

CORRECTION: SWMBO saw this post on her computer screen and came in to tell me the picture was actually taken when John and Treva came to visit us in Mexico when we lived there. She says the photo was taken on the grounds of a hotel in Ajijic, Jalisco.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015


The grill was fired up again last night. And for those of you who say you don't like asparagus you have to try it grilled.

Accompanying it were marinated and grilled mahi-mahi.

The remainder of the marinade, also used to baste the fish while grilling.

My dinner plate. That's a brown rice-quinoa mix with the fish and 'sparagus.

I've said it so often I'm a bit red-faced to say it again but . . . yummers!


To those of you anxiously awaiting this week's Tuesday Travels post I apologize. In the furor and frustration over two trips to the computer repair office yesterday I forgot to post it. So, fans of my short shorts of 1988, here's the latest installment.

And to you snide commenters (you know who you are) making references to the length of my shorts, just you wait 'til I start posting my Speedo pictures!