In the lobby of the Prescott Valley Library is a wonderland of art objects. In previous posts, I've shown you the dragonfly and the bottlebrush tree. Today we wind it up with the true stars of the show.
If you use your imagination, you can almost see that big fish swimming under water.
But his neighbor, inching along, says there is no water.
Unless, of course, he's a sea snail, wearing his heart on his front.
I'm not sure what this cactus plant is called (perhaps some of my readers know) but I don't believe I would want to argue with it. It looks like it would make a good hedge to keep critters and humans out of your yard. Several of these have been planted in front of the Prescott Valley Library but they're just decorative. There are sidewalks around them.
Nice piece of music to go along with a great story by Larry McMurtry and acting by Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Diane Lane, Angelica Huston and many others.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, it's gonna be a great day. How could it not be? Today we get the Friday Funnies! Just to get the day started right, I'm going to lead off with my favorite this week.
I don't know about you but I think that's funny.
O.K. Onward!
I think that one's my second favorite.
And speaking of cat . . .
Have a great weekend, Gentle Readers, and always, always remember to keep laughing!
50 years ago today a bill was signed into law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson creating Medicare and Medicaid. It was signed in the Truman Library with former President Harry S Truman on hand.
In this picture taken at the signing are President Johnson, former U.S. Senator Mike Mansfield, Lady Bird Johnson, President Truman, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and Bess Truman.
All of them are gone now.
But Medicare lives on to benefit the citizens of the United States of America.