Here it is Friday again and my obligation as FunMaster has once again risen to the top of the Jobs List.
To add to my problems, last night I had an overnight test at a Sleep Lab.
And I couldn't sleep!
Who can't sleep at a Sleep Lab?
Came home at 5:30, climbed into my own bed and slept for 3 hours!
Old age and old habits, I guess.
Speaking of old age . . .
And we're off and runnin'!
I used to think the "Whale of a Sale" yard sale signs of our friend Lori (formerly) Down the Street were the best ever.
But this week she's got some competition.
All right, I'd better quit before I get into (any more) trouble.
Have a pleasantly quixotic weekend, Gentle Readers, eat well, sleep well and always keep laughing.
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
(Darn, he was just around here somewhere . . . . .)