I don't remember much of the details but apparently our radio station had brought Domino to do a show and there came an opportunity in the afternoon to interview him live on the air.
I normally worked the night shift, signing the station off the air at midnight, but on this day I was working in the afternoon, replacing the regular dj who filled that space.
Someone from higher up in the food chain suddenly came into the control room and told me to call such and such a number and talk to Fats Domino at his hotel room.
So I did it.
He was very nice and cooperative with a young radio announcer's inane questions.
All I can remember is listening back to the tape we made of the interview.
I would ask a question, he would answer it, I would intone a serious "I see", and he would sort of grunt, in a high-pitched tone, "un-huh."
I still recall thinking that entire interview consisted of "I see" and "un-huh", over and over again.
For someone new to the business it wasn't my most shining hour.
I did get better over the many years in broadcasting, I think.
Rest in peace, Fats, and thanks.