Saturday, July 13, 2019


If you live in Arizona you probably know it is wise to avoid the "Jumping Cholla".

That's a member of the cactus family whose parts are only lightly connected to the plant and if you come into contact with one, even lightly, it will attach itself to you.

This hiker has just learned that lesson as the police try to decide what to do next.

Friday, July 12, 2019


Just when you (Acosta, Epstein, Coates) thought today would be a bad day here comes Your Favorite Catalyst (Me) to brighten your day and your weekend.

Yes, laddies and lassies, it is time once again for Fun, Frolic and THE FRIDAY FUNNIES!

Okay, you sweet sixteens, sixties and seventies, I know it seems like a sesquicentenary sometimes, but stifle your superstitions and start (whether sleepwalking or staggering) sampling your surroundings of satisfaction.

In other words, have a great weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, that's not what I expected . . . . and I'm not lyin'.)

Thursday, July 11, 2019


I photographed this image on my patio the other night.

It looked familiar to me but I couldn't pin down the name.

Some checking around the Great Google found the answer.

That's the loveable face of the Proboscis Monkey.

Scientists tell us the longer the nose the more attractive he is to the female of his species.

Oh, and the top picture?

That's our 3-wicked candle which is said to repel gnats and mosquitoes and other pests trying to interrupt the peacefulness of my cocktail hour.

And make me think of weird monkeys.

So ends my lecture today.

Class dismissed.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


A very gold Marigold

(Allegedly protecting our tomato plants from bugs)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


I just discovered this photo on my camera last night and I knew you'd want to know that I was well-fed on the Fourth of July.

We finally finished off the leftovers last night and it was still delicious.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Friday, July 5, 2019


Arizona's Monsoon Season begins on July 4th but this year we've had no rain yet.

So, the heat continues as we launch into the middle of another long weekend.

There's a Ladder-Backed Woodpecker working over the tree right in front of me (sorry, no picture) and it's time for me to work over the Friday Funnies.

With that to think about, it's time to tinker and toy with your transfiguration, harking always for the tremulous tones from tintinnabulation.

In other words, have a great (continuing) weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, he seems excited . . .)