Tuesday, September 24, 2019


You will, of course, recall my post about the first day of Autumn.

After all that was only yesterday.

But an alert Gentle Reader, Lori Across Town, found something to exclaim about.

The first snowfall of the season at the Arizona Snow Bowl outside of Flagstaff.

As she wrote "Too soon for me!"

(Thanks, Lori.)

Monday, September 23, 2019


Here in the Northern Hemisphere the Autumnal Equinox arrived at 12:50 this morning.

What that means is the sun crossed the equator heading south.

And what that means is that Autumn, or Fall, is finally here.

And in my part of the Northern Hemisphere, the Central Highlands of Arizona, it arrived with a bang.

Yesterday was sunny and warm, with a high temperature in the low 80's.

Today it is cloudy and rainy with a high in the upper 50's.

Fall has definitely fell.

And Matty is appreciating yet another warm nap in his semi-adopted home across the street from where he lives.

Meanwhile, a story from the weekend.

Gayle, also known as the BRD - Beautiful Rich Daughter, attended an art event.

A woman came up to her and said she had a question that might sound weird if Gayle wasn't who she thought she was.

The woman asked if she was ever referred to as the BRD.

"Of course!", Gayle replied.

Turns out the lady is a regular follower of this blog.

Later another woman came up and asked if Gayle had been part of the Yavapai Regional Medical Center campaign against breast cancer.

Again, she replied in the affirmative, having posed with another woman for a photograph, several years ago, as part of that campaign which still runs occasionally.

The BRD said it was neat to be recognized.

And a bit later a friend of hers came in and it turned out she was friends with both of the other women.

So now maybe I'll have to start referring to her as the BR&FD, or the Beautiful Rich and Famous Daughter.

Once in awhile life do get interestin'.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


I've showed you Matty before.

He belongs to the people across the street but he likes us, it seems, and our cat treats and our catnip and most of all our couch.

So he comes in, gets a snack and some petting, sometimes some catnip and then he tucks himself in and naps for hours on the couch.

And SWMBO keeps letting him in.

Sort of cat therapy, I guess.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


I love this picture of Judy, aka SWMBO.

I keep telling her it's perfect for the book jacket of her novel.

(If she'd ever get around to getting it published.)

Friday, September 20, 2019


Hey big news from the Democratic presidential race.

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio has dropped out, saying, "It's clearly not my time."

Oooooooh, that was mean.

Listen up, folks, it's time for the Friday Funnies so let's dig right in.

Once again your catalyst Catalyst ends with a groaner.

Now, you capricious characters, I want you to caper carniverously and carefully through the camouflage and cacti, countermanding cacklers and candlesnuffers.

In short, have a great weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Saturday, September 14, 2019


I drove past a sizeable car show today but I just wasn't in the mood.

And I've done car shows frequently in the past.

So you'll just have to use your imagination.

But try this on: my Arizona State University Sun Devils beat Michigan State today for the second year in a row.

This year on the Michigan team's home field.

And with our new Freshman Quarterback.

That made my day.

I hope your team won.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Why yes, I did remember what day this is.

Oh, no, I just realized it's not just Friday.

It's Friday the 13th!

So shall we deal with bad luck and misfortune this week?

Let's see.

All right now, let's ALL be positive this weekend and have a rollicking great time.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .
