I know, I know, the news isn't getting any better.
That's why, for these few brief moments, we all need to take a break and remember that even in the direst of days there are people out there finding humor in it.
I don't create this stuff, you know, I'm only a conduit for it.
And once again, I thank those of you who send me the material for a few seconds of laughter.
As some wise man once said, "The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming train."
And with that . . here we go.
And this next one, sent to me yesterday by Doctor Jim, is my personal favorite of the week.
And for this F***ed Up Friday, those are the jokes, folks.
Now if you've got good weather take a walk or go out in your garden and putter around this weekend.
If not, just binge-watch old Bogart movies or Gene Kelly musicals or maybe, just one more time, settle in on the couch and try another viewing of Gone With the Wind, or Star Wars, or Star Trek, or anything starring Bill Murray.
Whatever but try to put your cares away for a couple of days.
And always . . . always . . . remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .