When I notice them I am always amazed at the shapes of the clouds in our normally bright blue sky.
I usually don't try to anthropromorphize them.
Actually that sentence was merely an excuse to use that ten-dollar word.
But anyway that cloud formation above resembles a huge white bird to me, flying from left to right.
These I think resemble daubs of meringue, sort of a big Floating Islands dessert.
You may not see them that way.
I have no idea what these are or were but they seem to be disintegrating to me, with small wisps coming off of the larger formation to the right.
I could be wrong, of course.
What I find truly amazing is that the same sky can at the same time hold these lovely white shapes against the azure sky in one direction, while turning my camera around and looking another way I find this.
That mess looks like it contains rain.
Or maybe I'm just boring bored.
I'll be interested, though, to read your views of what you view in these clouds.