It's less than 24 hours now until I can put this to a rest.
And avoid arrest.
By the Humor Police.
So let me slink off quietly.
It's less than 24 hours now until I can put this to a rest.
And avoid arrest.
By the Humor Police.
So let me slink off quietly.
It's getting so close now I can almost smell the egg nog.
So continuing our gigantic Christmas Cartoon Countdown we find . . .
Only four days left until Christmas!
Which means only four days of the Christmas Cartoon Countdown left.
Are you sad?
Or glad?
Which ever, I think we've neglected one of the holiday participants.
It may be because I live in Arizona but it is, of course, the snowmen!
So on today, the shortest day of the year and the Day of The Great Conjunction, here's to Frosty and friends.
Depending on your habits and your calendar, there are now only 5 or 6 days until Christmas.
Call it a handful.
At any rate, here's today's Countdown Cartoon.
To tell the truth I don't feel very funny this morning.
I'm dealing with a severe lower back pain and it's a real pain in the - well, you know.
Nevertheless I have taken on the responsibility of providing some laughs to ease you into the weekend and I shall not shirk.
Rather, join me in a shriek.
(or two)
I know what you're thinking: he forgot the cartoon countdown to Christmas.
And with that, I'll issue a cease and desist order to this week's frivolity.
Now try to have a wonderful weekend but in a masked, socially distanced way.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .