Sunday, January 3, 2021


 As 2021 has begun, I feel the need for some breathing space.

The preceding year was an ordeal for all of us and I want to spend some time healing from it and resting my mind.

So I'm putting Oddball Observations on hold and stepping back from the keyboard for awhile.

I'll trust you to behave and be good to yourselves while I'm gone but to carry on without me for the time being.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Friday, January 1, 2021



After 2020 it has to be.

At least we'll still have the Friday Funnies.

I trust most of you celebrated the turning of the calendar page as I did - quietly, responsibly, socially distanced in your own homes.

You may now take the rest of the day off.

Rest, watch a football game if you like, take a nap if you like, have a good meal if you like, finish off the Christmas candy if you like.

Whatever you like, pamper yourselves today and brace yourselves for the year ahead.

It's going to be a bumpy ride!

But always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, come on . . .)

Thursday, December 31, 2020


 It is time once again to change the calendar.

A new year faces us.

Hopefully, it will be better than the dismal 2020.

There is hope but as that old Doris Day song put it:

"The future's not ours to see

Que sera, sera

What will be, will be"

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 Earlier this week the skies overhead were a dusky dark gray color as a low front headed our way from dread California.

If you've been keeping up with Oddball you will know they brought us a touch of snow the other day.

But today Old Man Sun is back with us.

Believe what you may, that is not a ship manned by extra-terrestrials from far distant worlds on the left-center.

Just a reflection on the camera lens.

So blue skies are back again.

Except for the white streak of a contrail or two from high-flying jets passing overhead.

As I said to SWMBO the other day, I enjoy a cloudy day from time to time.

But I'm always glad to see the sun come out again.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


"There'll be a change in the weather . . ."

"I'm dreaming of a White Christmas . . ."

Those two old songs had their Great Conjunction a few days late but the weather did change a bit yesterday.

Coming on the 28th day of December made it a little late for those wishing for a traditional holiday and, typical for my part of Arizona, it only left a dusting but it was fun while it lasted.

Fun to watch from inside a warm home, that is.

The snow has moved on now, heading east where it will drop much larger amounts so drive carefully or just remain at home, safe and sound.

Monday, December 28, 2020


 Y'say you need a little somethin' to get your Monday Morning in between holidays off to a good start?

I can't think of anything better than a little bit of music from Taj Mahal and Ry Cooder.

(thanks to Sam Sifton of the New York Times for the tip.)

Sunday, December 27, 2020


 So how was your Yuletide?

Ours went pretty well.

Well, other than my putting a just barely opened bottle of Prosecco into the refrigerator with that red wine bottle stopper plugged into it.

On it's side.

On top of a crate of eggs.

And it blew up.

And SWMBO opened the door to the fridge and most of the bottle of Prosecco shot out onto the kitchen floor.

Well, all except the quantity that had dripped down into the crate of eggs.

And onto the trays below.

And into the trays in the door.

But the inch or less left in the bottle still tasted good.

It helped to wash down the ashes in my mouth.

Now you're not going to believe this.

SWMBO actually suggested we get another bottle for New Year's Eve!

I have a feeling though that she'll insist on opening it and pouring it and corking it and setting it upright in an ice bucket we've got around here somewhere.


They've always got a better idea.

Right, guys?