Today is World Peace Day.
Get it?
A full sheet pan heading for the oven.
Juicy, spicy deliciousness upon emerging from the cauldron.
That gal of mine can cook!
As Willy Nelson sings, "I woke up still not dead again today!"
You could be forgiven for wondering since I haven't posted since last Sunday.
I guess there's nothing much going on here at the old Bar None Corral.
But there are still a batch of cartoons, most sent in by my Comedy Contributors.
You're all appreciated.
So let's take a look and see what's here.
I apologize.
I have been negligent in reporting on the Taylor Family Garden.
So today I have some (not very artistic) photos of our gourd plant.
It has successfully climbed the arbor and is now putting out mammoth gourds day after day.
At least they're mammoth to me, who has never grown a gourd.
(By the way, you'll notice I have included the window from which I take photos of the birds at the birdbath.
You will kindly NOT notice how dirty the window is.)
I keep wondering why the gourds don't fall to the ground but SWMBO says the stem is thick and strong.
Yes it is.
I know.
The days seem to fly by faster and faster.
For me as well as you.
So let's make the most of them.
Let's laugh a little.
So that's it for this week, ladies and gentlemen.
I hope you all, each and every one of you, will endeavor to have an energetic, not enervating, weekend.
And remember the sage words of the Catalyst: always keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
(oh, c'mon, just try it, it's healthy!)