It's not what you think.
It's a picture I just ran across in my photo file while I was doing some editing.
It was taken in the Granite Dells area of Prescott at Watson Lake.
It's not what you think.
It's a picture I just ran across in my photo file while I was doing some editing.
It was taken in the Granite Dells area of Prescott at Watson Lake.
Oh, I know it's hot, quit you're whining!
Oops, sorry, I forgot you're not all in the Great Southwestern United States of HEAT!
But I'm not complaining.
Hey it's only 82 here at 9 p.m. on Thursday night.
That's . . . balmy.
Or as my wife responds whenever I say that to her, "YOU'RE BALMY!"
So let's leave the weather behind and get on with what you all came here for, right?
And I don't mean the beer.
Now let me leave you here to your angst and encourage you all to have a fittingly fine weekend.
Stay cool and always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
Temperatures are rising here in the Desert Southwest.
As my lovely wife pointed out yesterday it's still Spring.
Summer doesn't officially begin for another couple of weeks.
But it's 11 o'clock in the morning here in the Central Highlands of Arizona and already 88 degrees Fahrenheit.
For you folks on the metric scale that's a tad over 31 degrees Celsius.
It's hot, folks.
So what's your poor Catalyst to do?
Perhaps head to an ocean wearing a tee shirt emblazoned "Young Life"?
My friend Tom shared a couple of pictures of cloud formations off the California coast today.
And I'm sharing them with you.
I especially like the second one although the first one shows a tad of the Oceano Pacifico.
Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Platinum Jubilee the other day, marking her 70 years of service on the throne of England.
At 96 years of age she looked a bit frail during her two appearances in public but she still cuts a stylish figure.